Text and pictures © 1993-2025 Guillaume Dargaud
Last updated on 2021/11/05
"Men Wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of success." — Ernest Shackleton (1874—1922), [probably fake] newspaper announcement before hisEndurance Expedition.
Those pictures are black & white portraits I took of the team of the 43rd winter over in Terre Adélie, hence the name TA43 for the team.
Left: Alain 'Freddy' Chambefort, doctor
Right: Alain 'Bighouse' Grandmaison, technical chief.
Left: Arnaud 'Arnal' Dessommes, microbiologist and stillmaster.
Right: Charles-Gilles 'CGT' Testa, weather forecast chief and surgery victim.
Left: Christophe 'Grosnitho' Barbraud, ornithologist.
Right: Christophe 'Prof' Liborio, geophysicist.
Left: Christophe 'Le basque' Sévilla, chef.
Right: Christophe 'Glacio' Verspieren, glaciologist.
Left: Daniel 'Pêcheur bleu' Guille, microbiologist, fisherman.
Right: Denis 'Pâteux' Aro, baker.
Left: Didier Manoury, technician.
Right: Dominique 'GrosDom' Huon, geophysicist.
Left: Francis 'Le Marquis' Malnory, power plant head engineer.
Right: Francis Pugliese, weather forecast technician.
Left: Francis 'Papy' Saugeon, electonician.
Right: François 'Mépré' Courtier, precision mechanics.
Left: Gilles 'Espion' Bastard, radio operator.
Right: Gilles 'Dista' Kerlidou, station leader.
Left: Guillaume 'Kata' Dargaud, atmosphere physics, katabatic winds.
Right: Jean-Paul Diris, radio technician.
Left: Jean-Pierre Laleouse, weather forecast.
Right: Joël 'Chubaka' Mouret, weather forecast.
Left: Jérôme 'La bulle' Ammann, geophysics.
Right: Laurent 'Spountz' Pfister, magnetism.
Left: Michel 'bru' Szurek, biologist, librarian.
Right: Patrice 'La plombe' Lecomte, plumber.
Left: Roland Le Turquais, head geophysicist.
Right: Savinien 'La gniaque' Lemasson, biologist and table soccer champion.
Left: Stéphane Fallecker, technician.
Right: Stéphane 'Bougnat' Ladevie and Georges Walter, mechanics.
Left: Sébastien 'Seb' Dommanget, geophysicist.
Right: Thierry Gravelet, technician.
Left: Vincent 'GP' Mateu, postman.
Right: Xavier 'Enzo' Placaud, electronician.